manifold new node procedure


Manifold is a vpn shared betweem me and several close friends. This page is only used as a suggested procedure to add somebody new into manifold. Notice this vpn is friend-to-friend only. Stop reading this page if you are not invited.

Suggested steps under *nix

  1. Install tinc on your machine. Assume your tinc configuration is in /etc/tinc.
  2. Our network is called manifold, mkdir /etc/tinc/manifold.
  3. Our public keys are in git, git clone gitolite3@soso:manifold /etc/tinc/manifold/hosts. If you do not know the ip of soso, consult me.
  4. Make /etc/tinc/manifold/tinc.conf
  5. Generate private/public key pairs with 'tincd -n manifold -K', the default option is verified to work.
  6. Modify /etc/tinc/manifold/hosts/moon (replace moon with what you have chosen).
  7. Make an executable /etc/tinc/manifold/tinc-up, in which it brings up the interface (accessible via $INTERFACE, usually manifold), and set private ip address (consult me if you do not know your ip inside manifold).
  8. Make an executable /etc/tinc/manifold/tinc-down, in which it brings down the interface.
  9. Call me and let's test if it works :D

Last modified: Sat Jan 24 12:44:28 JST 2015