Logic and Computation I, Autumn 2024

📖 Course information

Lecturer: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Lecture Time: 15:20-16:55 (Beijing), Tuesday and Thursday, 2024-09-10 ~ 2024-12-19

Venue: A3-2-301, BIMSA

Online: Zoom: 787 662 9899 PW: BIMSA

Wechat group and more: https://bimsa.net/activity/LogandComI/

📜 Course materials

No. Date Slides Recordings Further readings
1 10 Sep (Tue) Automata and monoids [LC01-01] video01-01 [hopcroft_CHI] [hopcroft_ENG]
2 12 Sep (Thu) Turing machines [LC01-02] video01-02
17 Sep (Tue) holiday
3 19 Sep (Thu) Computable functions and primitive recursive functions [LC01-03] video01-03
4 24 Sep (Tue) Decidability and undecidability [LC01-04] video01-04 [N. Cutland(1980)]
5 26 Sep (Thu) Partial recursive functions and computable enumerable sets [LC01-05] video01-05
01 Oct(Tue) holiday
03 Oct (Thu) holiday
6 08 Oct (Tue) Rice's theorem and many-one reducibility [LC01-06] video01-06
7 10 Oct (Thu) Tautologies and proofs [LC02-01] video02-01
8 15 Oct (Tue) The completeness theorem of propositional logic [LC02-02] video02-02
9 17 Oct (Thu) SAT and NP-complete problems
10 22 Oct (Tue) NP-complete problems about graph
11 24 Oct (Thu) Time-bound and space-bound complexity classes
12 29 Oct (Tue) PSPACE-completeness and TQBF

📝 Homeworks

No. Homeworks Submission Due date
1 Quiz 1 [Quiz 1] 2024-09-26
2 Exercise0103 [exe0103-pdf] [exe0103-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn
3 Exercise0104 [exe0104-pdf] [exe0104-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn
4 Exercise0105 [exe0105-pdf] [exe0105-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn
5 Exercise0106 [exe0106-pdf] [exe0106-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn
6 Exercise0201 [exe0201-pdf] [exe0201-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn
7 Exercise0202 [exe0202-pdf] [exe0202-TEX] liwj(AT)bimsa.cn

Logic and Foundations II, Spring 2024

📖 Course information

Lecturer: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Lecture Time: 15:20-16:55 (Beijing), Tuesday and Thursday, 2024-03-12 ~ 2024-06-13

Venue: A3-2-301, BIMSA

Online: Zoom: 559 700 6085 PW: BIMSA

Wechat group and more: https://bimsa.net:10000/activity/LogandFouII/

📜 Course materials

No. Date Slides Recordings Further readings
1 12 Mar (Tue) Reviews [lec05_03] [video05-03]
2 14 Mar (Thu) Friedman’s theorem [lec05_04] [video05-04]
3 19 Mar (Tue) Friedman’s theorem (continued) and introduction to resplendency [lec05_05] [video05-05]
4 21 Mar (Thu) Resplendency and applications [lec05_06] [video05-06]
5 26 Mar (Tue) Resplendency and applications (continued) [lec05_07] [video05-07]
6 28 Mar (Thu) Basic properties of one-variable polynomial [lec06_01] [video06-01]
7 02 Apr (Tue) Real closed ordered fields and the Artin-Schreier theorem [lec06_02] [video06-02]
8 09 Apr (Tue) Quantifier elimination of RCOF [lec06_03] [video06-03]
9 11 Apr (Thu) Hilbert’s 17th problem and o-minimal theories [lec06_04] [video06-04]
10 16 Apr (Tue) Introduction and the base system RCA0 [lec07_01] [video07-01]
11 18 Apr (Thu) Defining real numbers in RCA0 [lec07_02] [video07-02]
12 23 Apr (Tue) Completeness of the reals and ACA0 [lec07_03] [video07-03]
13 25 Apr (Thu) Continuous functions and WKL0 [lec07_04] [video07-04]
14 30 Apr (Tue) Continuous functions and WKL0, II [lec07_05] [video07-05]
15 09 May (Thu) Koenig’s lemma and Ramsey’s theorem [lec07_06] [video07-06]
16 14 May (Tue) Determinacy of infinite games I [lec07_07] [video07-07]
17 16 May (Thu) Determinacy of infinite games II [lec07_08] [video07-08]
18 21 May (Tue) Determinacy of infinite games III + Introduction to forcing [lec07_09] [video07-09]
19 23 May (Thu) Harrington’s conservation result on WKL0 [lec08_01] [video08-01]
20 28 May (Tue) Harrington’s conservation result on WKL0 II [lec08_01] [video08-02]
21 30 May (Thu) Harrington’s conservation result on WKL0 III and a self-embedding theorem I [lec08_03] [video08-03]
22 04 June (Tue) A self-embedding theorem II [lec08_04] [video08-04]
23 06 June (Thu) A self-embedding theorem III and STY theorem I [lec08_05] [video08-05]
24 11 June (Tue) STY theorem II [lec08_06] [video08-06]

Logic and Foundations I, Autumn 2023

📖 Course information

Lecturer: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Lecture Time: 15:20 ~ 17:50 (Beijing), Thursday, 2023-09-21 ~ 2024-01-11

Venue: YMSC-B725

Online: Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW: BIMSA

Wechat group and more: https://bimsa.net/activity/logicfoundationsI/

📜 Course materials

No. Date Slides Recordings Further readings
1 21 Sep (Thu) Formal systems of equation [lec01_01] [video01-01]
2 28 Sep (Thu) Free algebras and Birkhoff’s theorem [lec01_02] [video01-02]
3 12 Oct (Thu) Boolean algebras [lec01_03] [video01-03]
4 19 Oct (Thu) Computable functions and general recursive function [lec01_04] [video01-04]
5 26 Oct (Thu) First order logic: formal system GT and structures [lec02_01] [video02-01]
6 02 Nov (Thu) Goedel completeness theorem and applications [lec02_02] [video02-02]
7 09 Nov (Thu) Miscellaneous [lec02_03] [video02-03]
8 16 Nov (Thu) $\forall$-theory and $\forall \exists$-theory [lec03-01] [video03-01]
9 23 Nov (Thu) Horn theory and reduced products [lec03-02] [video03-02]
10 30 Nov (Thu) Ultra products and non-standard analysis [lec03-03] [video03-03]
11 07 Dec (Thu) Peano arithmetic and representation theorems [lec04-01] [video04-01]
12 14 Dec (Thu) The first incompleteness theorem [lec04-02] [video04-02]
13 21 Dec (Thu) The second incompleteness theorem [lec04-03] [video04-03]
14 28 Dec (Thu) Presburger arithmetic [lec04-04] [video04-04]
15 04 Jan (Thu) Non-standard models and the omitting type theorem [lec05-01] [video05-01]
16 11 Jan (Thu) Recursively saturated models [lec05-02] [video05-02]

📝 Homeworks

No. Homeworks Submission Due date
1 Homework 1 [hw1-pdf] [hw1-TEX] logic+hw1(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-09-25
2 Homework 2 [hw2-pdf] [hw2-TEX] logic+hw2(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-10-09
3 Homework 3 [hw3-pdf] [hw3-TEX] logic+hw3(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-10-18
4 Homework 4 [hw4-pdf] [hw4-TEX] logic+hw4(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-10-22
5 Homework 5 [hw5-pdf] [hw5-TEX] logic+hw5(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-11-01
6 Homework 6 [hw6-pdf] [hw6-TEX] logic+hw6(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-11-07
7 Homework 7 [hw7-pdf] [hw7-TEX] logic+hw7(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-11-15
8 Homework 8 [hw8-pdf] [hw8-TEX] logic+hw8(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-11-20
9 Homework 9 [hw9-pdf] [hw9-TEX] logic+hw9(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-11-28
10 Homework 10 [hw10-pdf] [hw10-TEX] logic+hw10(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-12-06
11 Homework 11 [hw11-pdf] [hw11-TEX] logic+hw11(AT)airelinux[dot]org
12 Homework 12 [hw12-pdf] [hw12-TEX] logic+hw12(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2023-12-19
13 Homework 13 [hw13-pdf] [hw13-TEX] logic+hw13(AT)airelinux[dot]org 2024-01-04
14 Homework 14 [hw14-pdf] [hw14-TEX] logic+hw14(AT)airelinux[dot]org

Logic and Computation II, Spring 2023

📖 Course information

Lecturer: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Lecture Time: 10:40 - 12:15 (Beijing), Tuesday and Thursday, 07 March to 06 June, 2023

Venue: 1108, BIMSA

Online: Zoom: 293 812 9202 PW: BIMSA

📢 Announcement

📜 Course materials

No. Date Slides Recordings Further readings
1 07 March (Tue) First-order logic [lecture04_01] [video04-01]
2 09 March (Thu) Arithmetical formulas [lecture04_02] [video04-02]
3 14 March (Tue) Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem [lecture04_03] [video04-03]
4 16 March (Thu) Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem [lecture04_04] [video04-04] [Goedel Without (Too Many) Tears]
5 21 March (Tue) Second-order logic [lecture04_05] [video04-05]
6 23 March (Thu) Analytical formulas [lecture04_06] [video04-06]
7 28 March (Tue) Automata on infinite strings [lecture05_01] [video05-01]
8 30 March (Thu) ω-automata and S1S [lecture05_02] [video05-02]
9 4 April (Tue) Tree automata and S2S (1) [lecture05_03] [video05-03]
10 6 April (Thu) Tree automata and S2S (2) [lecture05_04] [video05-04]
11 11 April (Tue) Finite model theory [lecture05_05] [video05-05]
12 13 April (Thu) Parity games [lecture05_06] [video05-06]
13 25 April (Tue) Oracle computation and relativization [lecture06-01] [video06-01]
14 27 April (Thu) m-reducibility and simple sets [lecture06-02] [video06-02]
15 4 May (Thu) T-reducibility and Post’s problem [lecture06-03] [video06-03]
16 9 May (Tue) Arithmetical hierarchy and polynomial-time hierarchy [lecture06-04] [video06-04]
17 11 May (Thu) Analytical hierarchy and descriptive set theory I [lecture06-05] [video06-05]
18 16 May (Tue) Analytical hierarchy and descriptive set theory II [lecture06-06] [video06-06]
19 18 May (Thu) KP set theory I [lecture07-01] [video07-01]
20 23 May (Tue) KP set theory II [lecture07-02] [video07-02]
21 25 May (Thu) KP set theory III [lecture07-03] [video07-03]
22 30 May (Tue) KP set theory IV and $\alpha$ recursion theory I [lecture07-04] [video07-04]
23 1 June (Thu) Recursively large ordinals I [lecture07-05] [video07-05]
24 6 June (Thu) Recursively large ordinals II and second order arithmetic [lecture07-06] [video07-06]

📝 Homeworks

No. Homeworks Submission Due date
11 Homework 11 [hw11-pdf] [hw11-TEX] logic+hw11(AT)airelinux[dot]org
12 Homework 12 [hw12-pdf] [hw12-TEX] logic+hw12(AT)airelinux[dot]org 29 March 2023, 11:59 pm (Beijing)
13 Homework 13 [hw13-pdf] [hw13-TEX] logic+hw13(AT)airelinux[dot]org 03 April 2023, 11:59 pm (Beijing)
14 Homework 14 [hw14-pdf] [hw14-TEX] [hwbonus1-pdf] [hwbonus1-TEX] logic+hw14(AT)airelinux[dot]org 10 April 2023, 11:59 pm (Beijing)
15 Homework 15 [hw15-pdf] [hw15-TEX] logic+hw15(AT)airelinux[dot]org 17 April 2023, 11:59 pm (Beijing)
16 Homework 16 [hw16-pdf] [hw16-TEX] logic+hw16(AT)airelinux[dot]org 4 May 2023, 11:59 pm (Beijing)

Logic and Computation I, Autumn 2022

📖 Course information

Lecturer: Kazuyuki Tanaka

Lecture Time: 10:40 - 12:15 (Beijing), Tuesday and Thursday, 27 October to 27 December, 2022

Venue: 1110, BIMSA

Online: Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW: BIMSA

📢 Announcement

📜 Course materials

No. Date Slides Recordings Further readings
1 27 October (Thu) Introduction, automata and monoid [lecture01-01] [video01-01]
2 01 November (Tue) Turing machines [lecture01-02] [video01-02]
3 03 November (Thu) Computable functions and primitive recursive functions [lecture01-03] [video01-03] [N. Cutland(1980)]
4 08 November (Tue) Decidability and undecidability [lecture01-04] [video01-04]
5 10 November (Thu) Partial recursive functions and computable enumerable sets [lecture01-05] [video01-05]
6 15 November (Tue) Rice's theorem and many-one reducibility [lecture01-06] [video01-06] [H. Rogers(1967)]
7 17 November (Thu) Tautologies and proofs [lecture02-01] [video02-01] Chapter 1 of [E. Mendelson(2015)]
8 22 November (Tue) The completeness theorem of propositional logic [lecture02-02] [video02-02]
9 24 November (Thu) SAT and NP-complete problems [lecture02-03] [video02-03] [M. Sipser(2012)]
10 29 November (Tue) NP-complete problems about graph [lecture02-04] [video02-04]
11 01 December (Thu) Time-bound and space-bound complexity classes [lecture02-05] [video02-05] [D.C. Kozen(2006)]
12 06 December (Tue) PSPACE-completeness and TQBF [lecture02-06] [video02-06]
13 08 December (Thu) What is first-order logic? [lecture03-01] [video03-01] (1).[The Emergence of FO] (2).[List of FO theories] OR [pdf]
14 13 December (Tue) Skolem's theoremt [lecture03-02] [video03-02]
15 15 December (Thu) Gödel's completeness theorem [lecture03-03] [video03-03]
16 20 December (Tue) Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé's theorem [lecture03-04] [video03-04] [Logic and Games]
17 22 December (Thu) Presburger arithmetic [lecture03-05] [video03-05]
18 27 December (Tue) 🏆

Peano arithmetic and Gödel's first incompleteness theorem [lecture03-06] [video03-06]

📝 Homeworks

No. Homeworks Submission Due date
1 Homework 1 [hw1-pdf] [hw1-TEX] [questionnaire] logic+hw1(AT)airelinux[dot]org 01 November 11:59 pm (Beijing)
2 Homework 2 [hw2-pdf] [hw2-TEX] [quiz1] logic+hw2(AT)airelinux[dot]org 07 November 11:59 pm (Beijing)
3 Homework 3 [hw3-pdf] [hw3-TEX] logic+hw3(AT)airelinux[dot]org 14 November 11:59 pm (Beijing)
4 Homework 4 [hw4-pdf] [hw4-TEX] [quiz2] logic+hw4(AT)airelinux[dot]org 21 November 11:59 pm (Beijing)
5 Homework 5 [hw5-pdf] [hw5-TEX] logic+hw5(AT)airelinux[dot]org 28 November 11:59 pm (Beijing)
6 Homework 6 [hw6-pdf] [hw6-TEX] logic+hw6(AT)airelinux[dot]org 5 December 11:59 pm (Beijing)
7 Homework 7 [hw7-pdf] [hw7-TEX] logic+hw7(AT)airelinux[dot]org 12 December 11:59 pm (Beijing)
8 Homework 8 [hw8-pdf] [hw8-TEX] logic+hw8(AT)airelinux[dot]org 19 December 11:59 pm (Beijing)
9 Homework 9 [hw9-pdf] [hw9-TEX] logic+hw9(AT)airelinux[dot]org
10 Homework 10 [hw10-pdf] [hw10-TEX] logic+hw10(AT)airelinux[dot]org

Please replace (AT) and [dot] with @ and . in the above email addresses.


🦕 Links

🥂 Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the support from BIMSA, TUHEP and AireLinux.

🥥 Last Updated